individual application
I practice or have an interest in Mediation. I wish to apply to be a Member of the European Mediation Network Initiative. I agree to support EMNI’s aims and activities as expressed in the Statutes of EMNI. I agree to provide any information and evidence to support this application required by the Board of Directors. I understand I may be contacted about EMNI’s business, so I attach contact details.
I am aware that EMNI primarily is a network of organizations and institutions, and therefore that individual members do not have a vote in the General Assembly.
For making me as a member visible, I understand that my name, field of work and contact details may be published and made available to other EMNI members. The information will not be available to the general public unless I agree.
Membership due for the calendar year is for the time being 25 Euros.
New members will receive an invoice by e-mail with payment details.
You will be required to bear the cost of any transfer or exchange.